April Newsletter

April 2012

Wow! What a busy month it has been! Our classroom has been buzzing like a bee-hive. Here's a recap of what we've been up to:

  • The class wrapped up our pet food drive this month. On Thursday, April 12, we delivered 54 bags of dog & cat food to the animal shelter! Great job, class!
  • We began our cumulative reviews in preparation for the EOGs. I know that each student will do his/her best, and that is all I can ask! Parents, it is important that students be well-rested every school day, not just testing days. A healthy breakfast is also important for these young, ever-expanding minds!
  • The whole school was treated to a visit by the high school drama company, who performed The Miracle Worker.
There are several new student-published works in the Student Blog Entries section. Families, please check them out and leave your words of praise and encouragement. It means a lot to your students!

The school year is quickly winding down, and I know our students are getting so excited about summer vacation. There are only three full weeks of school left, but don't forget to check out the website over the summer so that you can participate in the summer service project!

I want to take a moment to thank each of you (students and families) for making this year so successful. It's been a pleasure to work with each of you!

May Announcements

Here is a list of the upcoming activities and events for May 2012:

  • May 8--no school for students, election day
  • May 16--athletic picnic
  • April 30-May4--EOG testing
  • May7-11--EOG retests
  • May 18--last 1/2 day of school